Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Class A Creeper

The new job has been going really well. I love how much slower paced this restaurant is and how I have much more time to talk to tables because people always fascinate me. I also get along with most of the staff very well so things really have been going great.

The only problem? They have a really creepy cook. I know most restaurants have creepy cooks, trust me I've seen my share. But this one really takes the cake. He seemed pretty nice at first, slightly flirty but still respectful. I made it a very big point that I was engaged. Well things just started getting creepier and creepier. He asked when I was getting married and I said in about a year. His response was "So I have a year to change your mind?" Which almost made me throw up the oreo covered marshmallow I had just eaten (not nice because those are delicious!) because even if I wasn't single, this guy wouldn't have any chance with me. Not my type. There have been many other awkward comments/questions and he always pays special attention to me and it's really starting to make me uncomfortable.

I've only talked to him for the past week if it's something I need from the kitchen but I don't think he's getting the hint. I'm pretty non-confrontational, but I will have to say something sooner or later if things don't change. UGGGHHHHH creepy men.


Dysfunktional said...

Oh dear, creepy co-workers are the worst considering you spend a good chunk of the day at work.

Amie said...

Step 1: tell him to stop. Step 2: talk to a manager if he doesn't stop. Because dude is WAY out of line.

Phoenix said...

Yah I've worked with some creepers before but this one is in a class of his own.
I will have to do something next time I work with him. The nice thing is that I know my managers support me if I bring it up.

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