Friday, September 17, 2010


I am a running snob. There, I admitted it. Or at least that's what I'm going to call it instead of "I will make up almost any excuse to not run if there is one." I don't like treadmills, and I don't like running at tracks (both kind of make me feel like I'm not getting anywhere), and it's ALMOST cool enough so go running outside in the morning (basically below 100 degrees). And by morning I mean 9 am because I can't get up earlier than that to run. I used to try to get up earlier to go running in the morning... but when I'm laying in bed debating whether or not to go force my body to do what it really doesn't want to... or stay in the extremely comfortable bed and continue dreaming about kitties... dreaming about kitties always wins.

I also have this thing about not exercising when it's not fun. I used to run/walk up the canyon grade by my house in Idaho, but that's because it was with a group of girls and we'd gossip almost the whole time. I'll play volleyball, go swimming, whatever really as long as it's enjoyable. But try to get me into a gym if I'm by myself, and not in a yoga/pilates class, and it's probably not going to happen. Which makes it kind of hard to get any sympathy from my man because he's an amateur body builder and goes to the gym 5 days a week. Yah, no sympathy there.

So back to running. I can only really talk myself into it if it's perfect weather outside, which Phoenix has about 10 months out of the year, and it's not too early in the morning. Because then I love being outside and I actually enjoy it. And the back of my thighs will enjoy it too because the whole cottage cheese look just isn't doing it for me. The forecast for this weekend is below 100 degrees so wish me luck, I'm going to start running again. Hopefully.

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