Thursday, July 1, 2010

Love you lots, like vodka shots and tater tots.

My sister is coming to visit tomorrow for 10 days! Super excited because she's my best friend. She's pretty weird like me too so it's going to be fun. True story about the sis, she was on a date with a guy to a nice steak house and all she ordered was tater tots and cheese cake. And yes, he did ask her out again ha ha. I'm going to do back to ID with her for a friend's wedding reception when she's done (driving through Nevada GAG).

We're going to see a Diamonbacks vs. Dodgers baseball game this weekend, maybe float down the river (yes, Phoenix has 1 river). There is also a wine tasting night in the plans. I'm really trying to increase my wine knowledge so I thought this would help me towards my goal of becoming a wine snob. I'm currently a beer snob but nobody really cares about that as much as wine.

I'm kind of depressed about this upcoming 4th of July. Normally in Idaho we'd visit an Indian reservation and get "real" fireworks. aka mortars, large, rockets, roman candles, ect. But Phoenix doesn't look so kindly on fireworks so I'm going to have to content myself with sparklers. This is pretty stupid because, yes, Phoenix is hot, but it's the desert... there isn't really anything to catch fire to. At least not like the hay fields or rampant weeds we had all over Idaho. It makes the pyro inside of me cry.

There is also some serious shopping involved. I know where all of the malls and some cute shops are... I just never want to go shopping by myself. I don't *need* a second opinion, but I definitely like to dress uniquely and sometimes that, is a good thing and sometimes I just need someone to tell me "That looks like your half tellatubby and half space invader. Take it off now." I really value honesty when it comes to clothing.

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