Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Having the sister here is GREAT. Although sadly the bf is starting to feel a little neglected so we'll have to have some date time soon.

We were talking a couple days ago about how differently our parents treated us (oldest and youngest child). While we are only 3 years a part, it's crazy how differently they treated us. My sister went to a baseball game with my dad a few weeks ago and he bought her a beer (she's 20). When I turned 21 and my mom begged me not to go out and get a drink. Right.

My favorite one though was when I picked my sister up early from prom awhile ago. We were talking to my mom the next morning and she asked what time sister got home, and I told her 11.
Mom: "Wow, that's the earliest any of you have gotten home from prom."
Me: "Umm actually, you made me come home at 10 when I went."
Mom: "That's not true." (typical mom response when ever I enlighten her as to how I was treated)
Me: "It's completely true. And you had a neighbor couple chaperon us the whole time."
Mom: "Oh. Yah, that's right ha ha ha. You don't hate me for that right?"


Amie said...

So did the bf propose? If not, don't fret. There's no need to rush these things (speaking as a person who went absolutely insane whilst waiting to be proposed to, to the point that I almost ruined the relationship).

Phoenix said...

He did! I'm still getting used to it even though I was more than ready for it for a LONG time as well ;)

Amie said...

DUDE. And you didn't write about it? And you're still calling him bf? Sheesh, woman. Of course, I never stopped calling Husband Boyfriend until the moment he became Husband. Because fiance rhymes with Beyonce, and that freaked me out. So it goes.

BUT YAY! Congrats :)

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