Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big Girl

I finally broke down a few days ago and bought my first big girl purse. And by big girl purse I mean something an adult would wear... not a little purple one you get with an Easter outfit. I have been purse-less almost my whole life, with the exception of a few traveling trips when one was needed. I think the reason I don't like purses is because whenever I was a little girl, and I'd get A LOT of money ($40) for my birthday, holiday, or saved up, I would go shopping and I would put the money in whatever little purse I had at the time. I was not used to carrying a purse and so inevitably I would set it down somewhere and forget it. And someone would come along after me, find it, and take it. That's right, people steal from a 7 year-old's Hello Kitty purse. We all know where you're going when you die, mhmm.

So after a couple years (have I mentioned I am a slow, stubborn learner?) of losing my money this way, I decided to forget having purses in my life and went without one ever since. I told my co-workers I hadn't had a purse since I was about 8 or 9. She thought I meant 8th or 9th grade and was horrified. And basically couldn't believe me when I said no, age 8-9. I've just never really felt the need for one. I've had a wallet at some point, but never for very long. I basically take my money, ID, and debit card and put them in my back right pocket and call it good. I had this philosophy that if something didn't fit in my pockets, then I didn't need it.  Cell phone goes in my front right pocket, or back left if I'm wearing work pants, and keys in the front left pocket.

But, I finally decided that it wasn't enough (thanks to a couple surprise monthly visits) and decided that maybe having something I could carry half of my bathroom around in would be a good idea. So I went to Target and found this.

My new purse! And it's spent the past week hanging on the back of my door knob ha ha. I think I'll kind of ease myself into a using purse slowly... use it for special occasions or date nights out... give it a little test run and see how it goes :)


Associate Girl said...

I approve.

Erini CS said...

Nice! I've carried purses and bags around for a while.. but mostly very large bags that I can tote half of my life around in... (Currently I'm using a tote bag.) Last year I bought what I called my first "adult" purse. Something cute and pink, but adult looking from Kohls. I stopped using it when I couldn't fit my lunch or spare shoes in it... but it's nice to have on certain occasions. :)

Dysfunktional said...

I'm liking the purse. Purses and shoes have been my biggest weakness!

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