Friday, September 10, 2010

Difficult things

Things have been a little stressful lately. For one, my brother is having a hard time dealing with losing his fingers. Which I completely understand, it's a very difficult thing to deal with. I think he's hit a very low point though now, and when he talks to me about it I feel so helpless. He's my little brother that I would give anything for to protect and keep safe, and I can't really DO anything to help him. I can listen and offer advice, but in the end it is he who will have to decide how to deal with it. It's just so frustrating seeing him struggle with it. It's his birthday today and he's off to see his friends who were deployed with him. He hasn't seen them since the accident so I'm really praying that things go well, and none of them says anything stupid.

My man has also been having a hard time with his PTSD.  He is one of the sweetest men I know, and I can't stand when he has a flashback or nightmare and see him struggling with that. It's not fair that he has it from being a police officer, and it's not fair that the men in the military get it. War and violence are such horrendous things and continue to rob the lives of those it touches, long after it is finished.

I'm just starting to feel a little drained. I'm a peacemaker, it's how I've always been. I always try to make people happy and I'll give up anything to see the ones I love content. I just need to realize that I can't control everything and not everyone can be happy all the time. Sometimes, doing my best just means being there for someone, even if I can't fix the problem.


Amie said...

I have a friend in Phoenix who is a Marine. He had some pretty severe PTSD - I don't know if it would help, but I can give you his contact info for your man.

Phoenix said...

That would be amazing. I'm trying to just find support groups or anything, and I haven't been able to so far.

Amie said...

I'll contact him and see what he knows, and then email you.

Associate Girl said...

Wow. Just wow. Sending you loving thoughts and know I am thinking about you and your boys.

Amie said...

I can't find your email. Shoot me one at amiekuscurie [at] gmail [dot] com

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