Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I got my kitty "fixed" yesterday. I'm not sure why it's called that, it implies something is broken to begin with. She wasn't broken, just awkward when she was in heat since she's an indoor kitty. She started molesting shoes and the feet of any males who were over visiting us, so we decided getting her spayed would be a good idea. I had to wait an hour and a half at the animal shelter because it was a busy day, but worth it because it was only $55. Petsmart wanted me to pay something close to $200.

I went back later in the afternoon to get her, and as I was waiting for my turn to retrieve my pet, I read the paper they gave out on how to care for your pet after their surgery. Have you seen those collars they give you so the pet doesn't bite the incision? They basically look like a cone that starts at the collar and get bigger as it goes out over the pets face. We always jokingly referred to them as lamp shades when we were growing up, but I never knew what they were called. Well the paper kept referring to them as E-collars, which I didn't understand until further down the page it called them Elizabeth collars. A little light bulb went on in my head and I felt really clever upon figuring out that called them that after Queen Elizabeth who liked to rock a high popped (and crocheted/tatted/lace) collar.

As I was sitting there a family came in and the first thing the mother did was scream at her dirty child to get out of her way and go sit on a chair (classy). There weren't many seats so they sat themselves on either side of me and the woman overheard the vet assistant talking about the E-collar and she said (in a very hick accent) "Why'd they call em E-collars when they luk like cones t' me." I was about to share my new found knowledge with her (I'm nice like that) when she continued "An E-collar sounds like somethin on the inernet ta me." And I decided to just keep my mouth shut because in reality... I'm not even sure this woman would know who Queen Elizabeth was.

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