Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I'm trying to find a more stable, regular-hours job. Me. Never thought I'd be saying that because I like really flexible schedules. BUT I do want to have my nights and weekends free, and the day jobs tend to pay more. So I'm sending out my resume left and right hoping to get a call back for something.

I don't mind sending out my resume. But what I have problems with are cover letters. I understand they are important (if they weren't I'd never send one out) but they're just difficult for me to write. Basically you have to tell a company how fantastic and perfect you are for them... without coming across as an arrogant asshole.  I'm one of those people that would like you to get to know me and notice the good things (and bad) about me without being told. So having to tell someone how 'perfect" I am for their position... uggghhhh it's just hard because I feel like I'm coming across arrogant. And you can't put little smiley faces or anything because that's immature (I am 23 for crying out loud).

So my little kitten has been throwing tantrums. I've never had a cat like this, but that is literally what she does. She doesn't like to be left home alone and she has been a lot this past week because I was gone. So whenever I come home she makes it her number one goal to show me how pissed off she is that she got left behind. This generally includes galloping across my lap or laptop, bouncing off my head, climbing the screen door on the patio, knocking over her water dish, ripping up the couch, and just about anything else she can think of. I always know when she's mad because she runs as fast as she can all over the living room floor. It's kind of funny but I think I need to get another kitty to keep her company because it takes the little bitch a couple hours to calm down now.

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