Thursday, April 22, 2010

Women. Are. Bitches.

So where to begin? Hmm... I really wish I had my life back from a few weeks ago ha ha. Back when I had everything together. Yah, that would be nice.

I got another call from the girl my boyfriend had been talking to. She confessed she had lied a lot to me, that they had talked and flirted a little, but that was it. And when he told her it needed to stop, that he needed to fix things with me, she got really jealous and vengeful. So she called me up for the first time 2 weeks ago and told me some lies, mixed with just enough truth that I believed her. I'm kind of stupid in that sense. I always assume that since I don't lie to people, they won't lie to me. But the truth is that people lie all the time, a lot of times for no reason at all.

So I'd been putting him through hell, accusing him of sleeping with her and anything she told me had happened. Then after I'd finally broken things off with him completely, she had felt so guilty she called me and confessed she had lied about it all. Wow.

I don't really understand how you could even do that to someone to even begin with. Want to know why I can't? Because I would never, ever fucking do that to ANYONE. Women can be so crazy and malicious. I suppose men can too, but when it comes to revenge, women take cake.

So I'm going to move out, but we're still dating and we're going to work through this. Starting with him going to talk to my parents face-to-face to explain what happened and ask if they are still ok with him marrying me (which was his idea). Chivalry isn't dead ladies and gentlemen :)

P.S. The Army is getting me a ticket to go see my brother for free. WHOOHOOO!


Anonymous said...

Wow. That is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. Women really are evil sometimes. I don't understand!

Congratulations on your trip! You must be pumped. :)

linnykins said...

That's quite bizzare, but I guess people always have their reasons for doing things, whether we think it's mundane or not! That's awesome about the trip!

And I can imagine that rain in a desert would be a welcome break :)

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