Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Leaving, on a jet plane...

I'm leaving this afternoon for Idaho, woohoo! I'm so excited to see the family, and all my old friends. Some of them whom I haven't seen for well over a year. I have 2 babies too take a look at since my friends popped them out when I wasn't there (how rude, they should have waited), and another friend with one on the way. CRAZY.  I wonder if the feeling of being an adult is always going to feel this weird with each step in life, or if someday I'll just accept it... probably not.

I need to stop blogging and make the bf some food (he says he can take care of himself but that always consists of making peanut butter sandwiches so I don't believe him). I'm not going to see him for 11 days because he leaves for a business trip right before I get home, and that's very depressing. We've been having our up and downs lately but I think no matter what, I always want to be around him. I know the year of long distance dating made us appreciate being around each other more so than a lot of couples. I'll really miss him.

I also need to pack ha ha. I intentionally procrastinate because I love packing light and if I start any sooner than 24 hours in advance I end up bringing half of my closet and bathroom with me, plus some. So at least this way I don't go "Ohh yah, I should bring this..." and pack a bunch of stuff I never see until I'm unpacking again. The best part about seeing my sister is, we're the same size, so I literally could bring no clothes (with the exception of undies, OBVIOUSLY) and just wear her shit. Which I'm counting on doing because I'm only bringing a carry-on ha ha. I don't want to dig out my old winter clothes anyways.

I can't wait to fly. I love it like a fat kid loves cake. All the excitement of the airport, everyone going somewhere. I love it! Airports mean I'm going somewhere, going to have some exciting new experience, or simply coming back home. Looking up at the flight information monitors and dreaming about sneaking on a flight to some distant country. Wondering the destination of each person I pass. I love the anonymity of it, no one looks at you or bothers you. It's one of my favorite places to just be alone.

I better go pack! 

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