Friday, August 27, 2010

Long Days

Meet Sammy. My kitten that's about a year old now. Last night, the BF left a screenless window open to let some of the cool air come into our second story apartment, and left the room (not thinking things through clearly). Sammy quickly found this window and, unbeknown to us decided to explore the 2" ledge outside of it. Meanwhile we are watching tv out in the living room and get a knock on our door. At 12:30 am, we thought this was pretty odd. We answered the door to 2 young teenage girls who said they were worried about out cat, who was dangling from out second story window meowing. I quickly rushed into the room and looked out the window. It's a picture window that slides open on both sides. So I tried calling her, and leaning out to get her. Sammy decided that the best thing for her to do, is to walk away from me and to climb up the screen on the other side. Which meant:
A. I couldn't reach her from inside.
B. We couldn't get the screen off the other side of the window to get her in, since she was now hanging from it for dear life.
C. She's a wimp, she wouldn't be able to hang on for long so my time was limited.

So I stood up on the window sill and slowly got myself through the window, carefully inched my way out onto the tiny ledge, eventually was spread eagle across the second story window (envisioning what it would be like to wear a full body cast after I fell to me doom) praying my feet and fingers didn't slip, and managed to grab the kitty and bring her into safety.

Has the little turd been grateful now that I saved her tiny life? NO! She's been doing all the things she knows she's not allowed to do today, attempting to climb our fake tree, walking on the counters, trying to knock my birthday roses off the counter, tearing up the carpet, and worst of all... RUNNING ACROSS THE WINDOWSILL MAKING ALL THE BLINDS HIT TOGETHER WHEN I'M SLEEPING. I am really fond of my sleep.

So thank you, you little asshole. You will be getting whats coming to you soon because you, young lady, are getting spayed next week!

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