Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I finally made a friend here... 5 months after moving here ha ha. I must have a charming personality that everyone is drawn to... not. But crushed ego aside, I'm really excited about this friendship. I think I could have been friends with other girls I'd met here, if I'd put the effort into it. But I didn't because they were just typical people, and my new friend is a little bundle of uniqueness and I like being around her.

I've never had that many friends. I am really picky about who I let into my life. Kind of stupid when I grew up homeschooled and didn't meet that many people to begin with ha ha, you'd think I'd be less picky. I like the proverb that says "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" which is kind of a weird way of saying that you are shaped by who you have around you. I don't think people you chose to be around completely define your life or anything, but they definitely help shape it.

So I've been thinking about my friends, and discovered that in a subconscious way I've created a list of dos and don'ts for friends.

I'm not friends with loose girls
I'm just not going to be friends with girls that go out to shitty bars to meet guys and sleep with one she's met that night. That's just disgusting and completely degrading to yourself. Not to mention an unfabulous way to contract an STD. They put so little worth into who they are and what they are worth, so why would I bother spending time with someone like that?

I AM friends with interesting people
Have you ever met someone with the personality of a sock? I have. I used to play piano with her so we hung out for awhile. I started noticing she'd invite me to be a third wheel on a lot of her dates and I'm pretty sure it's because she was so boring that there wasn't any kind of conversation between anyone unless I instigated it. Ok, maybe that is a slight exaggeration. But she did invite me to be the third wheel a lot, lame. At least bring some kind of personality to the table, and maybe some interesting conversation. ESPECIALLY if you are weird/unique. I love people that are comfortable in their own skin, they are so refreshing when I finally find them. Even if they are the biggest geeks I've ever met.

I am not friends with stupid people
Sure it's hilarious at first, some of the things I've heard come out of people's mouths. But seriously? That's what you want to be known for? And I'm not talking about mentally stupid people, I'm talking about people that never chose to apply themselves to learn anything more than to drive and operate their cell phones. And maybe to open a bottle of beer with their teeth because they live in Idaho and that's cool with the rednecks.

So basically I look for non-slut, interesting, semi-intelligent people. And so far I've come up with one here... ha ha but at least I found her!

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