Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Check out the above video, if you haven't already watched it. It's crazy how I'll look at the finished product and then wish I looked like that when in reality, no one looks like that. I think honest things like this are really important. I keep seeing things about girls with eating disorders, or body dysmorphic disorders, and I start to wonder how much the media really does play into this. I always here how "unrealistic" all of the Hollywood stuff was, but I think it's finally sinking in how much our view of beauty has been distorted. We're striving to be something that isn't physically possible.
I've never been a big fan of Britney Spears. Not even when I was younger. BUT, she recently release some untouched photos of herself.

I really have to commend her for doing this. Here's the sad thing too, she really has a rocking body, especially for having a couple kids. I HOPE I look that good after I have kids. But society doesn't consider that beautiful anymore because it's not perfect. I think a lot more people in the media spotlight should take it upon themselves as a responsibility to release stuff like this too. Show us that they are human too and imperfections are okay. Unfortunately we all can't look photoshop perfect.

Here's the thing about beauty too. I think the most beautiful people I have met, aren't the most attractive people I've even seen. What makes them truly beautiful are the things on the inside. Their beauty isn't something you see right away, but something that unfolds as you get to know their character. I want to be more like those girls, not the plastic barbies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!

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