Sunday, May 9, 2010


Have you ever noticed those people who take up 2 parking spots? Usually they have pretty nice cars and I understand them not wanting to get dinged or scratched. Hell if I had a $100,000+ car I wouldn't want it getting messed up either by a careless child flying out of a minivan, or someone who is so morbidly obese they can't help hitting other people's cars because they have to open their door completely to get out of their car. It just happens. So I can understand when people do it, if it's a really nice car, and they do it in a space far from the store so they don't inconvenience other people. But nothing says "douche bag" more than someone with a completely normal car doing it. I was walking into my job the other day and some asshole parked in 2 spots... with a completely stock '08 Mustang.... SERIOUSLY?! No special paint job, no body work or other modifications. Nothing. And they thought their car was worth parking in 2 spots for... it wasn't. I saw the owner walking up to it as I was walking in and oddly enough it was a SINGLE guy. Hmmm, maybe if you didn't think you were such hot shit because of a car you completely over-rate, you'd get a girl to actually hang out with you. Maybe.

So lately people have been mistaking my boyfriend for some kind of celebrity. He's had a couple people ask for his autograph and random people saying hi or waving at him. Which I thought was kind of funny... until someone started taking our picture in Ikea. Umm awkward?! We have no idea who people think he is either which is really weird. Someone asked him if he "that guy on the billboard" and that's pretty much our only clue ha ha. So he's going to ask the next person who they think he is so we can figure this out.

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