Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ha ha ha I loved this! These people have to be in JR High right? Please? Ha ha.

So yesterday was a pet peeve day at work. I'm really just starting to wonder why people think it's ok to interrupt other people when they're talking to someone else. I will be standing at the counter, actively talking to a customer, and as I'm speaking to them some crazed person will bolt up to the counter will an urgent "I need to know or the world is going to end" look in their eye and say "DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THE STIR STICK STRAWS!?!?" To which I would like to reply "No sir, do you have any manners?" But I don't because I'm getting paid to be nice to them, unfortunately. And sadly, they have to make do with the wooden stir sticks so I don't want to make their day any more difficult...

Ohhh yes, and I almost forgot. The cherry on top of the cake ha ha. One of my friends works in the kids section (you already know this is going to be nasty now, don't you) at Barnes & Noble, and when she was back there she found a Tinkerbell gift bag that she could tell had stuff in it. So she opened it to see what was in it and possibly return it to the lost and found. Bad idea. Someone had decided to change their kids dirty diaper in the kids section... instead of the bathroom which has a changing table and is 50 ft away. They fortunately decided to take the diaper, but left the dirty wet wipes there... in the Tinkerbell bag. Things like this really make people LOVE working with the public ha ha ha.

1 comment:

linnykins said...

Hehe, the way you described the rude, interrupting customer made me laugh a little to myself.

So did that image :D

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