Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The post where I become extremely nerdy

At work a few nights ago, a coworker and I were talking about video games. And yes, I am a video game nerd. I understand not everyone likes them, but I drool over trailers of upcoming games. I tend to drool a lot though on accident, which I blame on having previously having braces because I never drooled before (awkward). I blame my dad for the love of video games. We used to all go down to the basement when I was a kid and stand around watching each other play Microsoft dos games on the computer. Our favorite was Billy the Kid where you were the famed wild west bandit and had to make your way through the maze of the game. Later we moved onto better pc games, then nintendo and sega. In fact, I was going to originally move to Phoenix to be a video game designer. I found a school I was really considering that was affordable, and seemed really nice. Then I read a line about h

ow the closest thing they have to intramural sports... are LAN parties. LAN parties are where you hook up a bunch of consoles and have 16 player games. That was a bit too nerdy for me. I like video games, but I also like volleyball and boxing, and many other things that involve getting off of my ass. So I decided not to go.

Anyways, long tangent over. We were talking about Assassin's Creed and he was telling me about a show he had seen that was really similar to it called Dollhouse (at least similar in the way they manipulate your mind) and recommended it. I was skeptical at first but decided to check it out. So I start running it and it says "Created by: Joss Whedon" and I almost die from excitement. Joss Whedon? The creator of Firefly and Serenity? One of the most amazing shows I have ever seen. That Joss Whedon?

(My favorite show)

Yes, yes it was. So long story short I really enjoy the show and recommend it. It's not Firefly, but then again nothing is. If you haven't seen Firefly definitely give that a shot first because it is AMAZING!

After that I decided to look up Joss Whedon to see what else I was missing out on. Turns out he first started out working as a screen writer for Rosanne (very weird) and he is a 3rd generation screen writer. His dad was the screen writer for Golden Girls.
So genius must run in the family because I LOVE this show too. I know it's a weird combo to like but I just do. I really appreciate sarcasm and that comes out in the both of these shows.

So I will probably be watching Dollhouse for the rest of today ha ha. And maybe cleaning because my sister is coming in 2 weeks!

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