Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I think there should be a system where, if someone is driving like a 12 year old who's never been behind the wheel before, you can report them. I've put a lot of thought behind this because I've been driving a ton this week, and have been driving with a bunch of jackasses, and incredibly old people who's mission in life is to impede other drivers and make driving on the freeway a living hell. I'm not saying I'm a saint of a driver or anything, but I tend to use common sense when I'm driving. Something I'm finding more and more drivers are lacking.

PEOPLE NEED TO USE THEIR BLINKERS!!! I realize in heavy traffic, sometimes you just have to cut people off, we all do it. But, if you use your blinker I can at least let off the gas a prepare so I don't have to slam on my brakes when you get in my lane going 20mph less than me. I know some people are assholes and when you turn your blinker on to change lanes, they close any gap you might have had, but at least signal as your changing. Same as if you're turning. You know if you'd turned your blinker on 100 yrds before your turn (as required by law) I'd have actually been able to pull out. But since you put it on as you were turning, you just made me wait their for another 5 mins.

On ramps are the ones that are really killing me. My drivers ed instructor taught me to get up to speed on the on ramp (hence why it is so long, and so you have time to gauge where you can fit in) so you can merge with traffic more fluidly and not disrupt traffic. This does not mean try to creep out at 25mph on the 65mph highway. You clog up traffic and it's completely avoidable! Most bad traffic situations are caused by one idiot. ONE! 

I also can't stand when people 'hover' in my blind spot. It's like their hell bent on staying there. I'll be going down the freeway, slowly passing someone until they see me, then they slowly speed up to keep up with me. Now to be fair, I don't think people generally mean to do this, I think they're just zoned out. The worst part of this is when after awhile of them hovering, I need to get over to take my exit. So I'll try speeding up a little to get past them... not gonna work. They speed up to and are still in my blind spot. So I try slowing down, A LOT. Nope, still there. Instead of driving consistently their just going with the flow of traffic and fucking me up because they can't make up their own minds enough to go their own speed. Idiots.

And advisory signs. You know, the yellow ones we all learned about in drivers ed class? The ones that tell you can safely take the off-ramp curve going 40mph? Right, well look at them and apply it to your driving because I'm sick of people slamming on their damn brakes to take the curve going 15mph when all they had to do was read the sign to figure out how to successfully drive. I guess some drivers can't read?

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