Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh my

In case you can't read the top, this is a sign for a church.... ha ha ha hahaha. How out of touch with reality do you have to be to think that this is appropriate? Dear old Idaho... there are just somethings about you I will never miss ha ha.

 So my new favorite quote from is from Patti Stanger, who is the Millionaire Matchmaker. Is the show mindless trash? Pretty much, but she does throw out some solid advice sometimes (OK, I admit it. I watch it to laugh at all the gold diggers). Anyways, now that that's all cleared up, the quote is "Beauty fades. Dumb is forever." Basically you can like someone, just because they're attractive, but that eventually goes away. But do you really want to be with someone who has the mental capacity of Barney when you're older. NO

Now I love this quote because I was never the pretty sister.Let me explain. Growing up, I had the dark hair and eyes and really messed up teeth. My little sister on the hand, pretty much was the epitome of an angel. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and just a beauty people were drawn to. I grew up hearing compliment after compliment about how pretty she was, how lovely her hair was, how beautiful she was going to be when she grew up, blah blah blah.I, on the other hand, only got compliments for 2 things: Playing piano, and being good at math. Way to set a kid up to be a nerd! So basically growing up, I knew I'd have to bring something else to the table to set me apart from the other so-so looking girls. I'd have to have a sparkling wit, be semi-intelligent (yay math), and a great sense of humor. At least that's what the girls in the Jane Austin novels had so I figured that would be a great place to start.

Eventually I grew up to be smoking hot (ok maybe that is a slight/huge exaggeration) but I am grateful that at one point in life, I decided to be more than just a pretty face with a bimbo mind. There are after all, PLENTY of those to go around.

And yes, my sister still is the pretty one, all these years later. But she didn't let it go to her head and is also one of the smartest girls I know.

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